Microbiology (251)

In 2021 there was an overall increase in reported cases of zoonotic diseases and foodborne outbreaks compared to the previous year, but levels are still well below those of the pre-pandemic years, reveals the latest annual EU One Health zoonosis repo

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A Day in the Life

Dr Gary McMahon, Company Microbiologist at Moy Park, discusses the need for ongoing vigiliance in the poultry industry 


A Lurgan native, Dr Gary McMahon had his first taste of Moy Park, a leading poultry producer, in 1988 when he took a summer job as

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In Safe Hands

Shay Hannon shares how the National Prepared Consumer Food Centre is helping Irish businesses navigate food safety


Qualifying with a degree in Environmental Health, Shay Hannon’s career in the food industry began in quality and product development. He

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Air fryers are excellent devices that give consumers the opportunity to reduce their energy consumption from cooking, whilst quickly delivering comparable quality and ‘crispness’ to other cooking methods with less oil / fat. Despite the popularity an

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Listeria as a bacterial genus contains several species, however, only one is known to be pathogenic to humans and of real concern to food, dairy, and beverage processors - Listeria monocytogenes.

The presence of Listeria monocytogenes in food products

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The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) and safefood today released findings from a comprehensive study which shows a potential low-level risk of illness for consumers who eat non-ready-to-eat* frozen vegetables, fruits or herbs without prior coo

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