The FAO has issued a toolkit for reducing food waste, as it reveals the direct economic cost to food producers stands at $750bn (€561bn) a year, in a new report.
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TURKEY - Around 46 per cent of chicken and 58 per cent of beef samples from Ankara markets tested positive for the antibiotic group, quinolones.
Applications are currently being taken for Innovation vouchers from Invest NI and Enterprise Ireland. This scheme is aimed at small to medium sized businesses on the island of Ireland. For more detailed on support available please click the appropria
Could a visit to another organisation help you to enhance your skills and benefit you professionally?
Call for Applicants for the Training and Mobility Programme 2013
The safefood Training & Mobility Programme enables safefood Knowledge Network memb
Leading and developing key strategy developments in food science and related areas as a key member of the Food Science Directorate, the successful candidate must hold an honours degree in microbiology or equivalent scientific discipline and a PhD in
Over the last few months a successful series of workshops were held. These were aimed at upskilling staff at food processing facilities who wouldn’t necessarily have a scientific background, on understanding contamination, covering basic hygiene issu
ProSafeBeef was an Integrated Project supported under the 6th Framework Programme of the European Union. The project, co-ordinated by Teagasc Food Research Centre, focused on advancing Beef Safety and Quality through Research and Innovation. This pro
Campylobacter and shiga toxin/verotoxin-producing E. coli infections increased over a four year period according to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).
Salmonella ranks as the pathogen most linked to deaths after a decade-long Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) surveillance report.
The open access debate is all the rage in Europe! And it is not likely to go away any time soon.
In this special issue, the Euroscientist brings you an analysis of the impact open access is currently having on the community of researchers throughout E
The safefood Knowledge Networks (KN) are all about connecting food safety professionals and enabling the exchange of Knowledge at all points of the food supply chain. Although it was safefood who initially developed the concept for the KNs several ye
This year’s winner of the safefood Student prize was Amy Rolloos, Queens University Belfast. The prize was awarded for an essay on the theme, Food: Is it safe to eat? In the following interview Amy, a graduate of the Food Quality, Safety and Nutritio
Following a public tender safefood has awarded contracts for specific research projects in the following subject areas:
Apply until 15 October for the EU Prize for Women Innovators!
After a successful first edition in 2011, the European Commission has launched the second edition of the EU Prize for Women Innovators to reward three women who have developed outstanding i
Food security is threatened by the global trade in farm products – which allows crop pests and diseases to spread worldwide – and climate change – which allows them to establish in new locations, according to new research published in the journal Nat
Food safety culture needs to become second nature so all production staff do the right thing, says Rick Pendrous
The war on emerging pathogens isn’t like any others. The war on drugs might well end with a new approach. The war on terrorism might eventually wind down. But the war on emerging pathogens is different. It will never end.
This conclusion is showing up
Understanding Science is the scientific whiteboard video series in which EFSA staff explain the scientific concepts that are at the core of their work. Nearly 30 videos are currently available to view on the EFSA website or EFSA’s YouTube channel, ex
safefood is responsible for promoting food safety and healthy eating on the island of Ireland. To support our knowledge base, we would like to invite applications for specific research projects in the following subject areas:
Project Ref No. 10-2013
The safefood VTEC Knowledge Networks Annual Conference will take place on Thursday 17th October 2013 at the Teagasc Food Research Centre, Ashtown, Dublin 15. Closing date for receipt of abstracts for the Conference is today August 30th 2013. Further