Understanding Europe is structured upon some basic yet critical questions about the EU’s purpose and legitimacy : why does the EU exist? How does it work? What can it offer you? The course then analyzes the European public sphere by focusing on its main actors (the European Parliament, the Commission, the Council, the Court of Justice of the EU) and the role European citizens play in influencing Europe. We then move to the Union’s powers (what can the EU do? How far can it go? Do Members States have some instruments to “block” EU action? Can EU citizens challenge EU action?) by discussing the limits to its action and describing some of its policies. The course then analyzes the role and opportunities citizens and all stakeholders may have in shaping EU policies through public consultation, the European Citizens Initiative and other forms of participatory democracy. In a further step, we will analyze what the EU is doing for you regardless of where you are based in the world. Finally, by taking stock of what you have learned in the previous weeks, we will look at what you can do for and in Europe.