Project Title:
Translating fundamental research on Listeria monocytogenes for the benefit of a multisectoral ready-to-eat food industry
Project Background:
This project is funded by the Food Institutional Research Measure and involves a number of participants from Ireland. Listeria monocytogenes is a particular risk for the ready-toeat (RTE) food sector. The project involves coordinating the collection and analysis of samples from 60 RTE food businesses in the meat, dairy, fish and fresh cut vegetable sectors in Ireland. This will facilitate identification of the sources of contamination, assess strain persistence in food processing plants and assess the disease potential associated with strains. The project is aimed at minimising the potential risk Listeria poses to the RTE food industry and the Irish food supply chain.
The successful candidate will, under the direction/guidance of the project Principal Investigator, analyse the relevant samples for Listeria monocytogenes, characterize the isolates, analyse/interpret the data, and report on the findings to the research team, and collaborators. The position will be ‘hands-on’ in that it will require an ability to engage on the ground in the laboratory and to interact with the other project participants.
Closing Date for Applications: No later than 12 midnight Monday 18th May 2015