Shelf Life Training for EHOs in Northern Ireland

3818797228?profile=originalEnvironmental Health Officers (EHOs) need to verify the validity of a food product's shelf life as declared by the food business operator. There is no generic method to estimate and set a food product's shelf life, because many different conditions can affect product safety and quality. To assist EHOs in this area safefood organised training workshops in Northern Ireland to help EHOs understand factors that can influence the shelf life of food products, the validation of shelf life, the role of the EHO and how an EHO can assess compliance. Two one-day workshops were held in Newtownabbey (18th June 2018) and Cookstown (19th June 2018) with 60 EHOs in attendance.

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  • This is a great initiative , would it be possible to get some of the content or the headings , it could be very useful for food manufacturer's or suppliers

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