Project: Support role for Research projects in BTU, APC & BIC
The BioTransfer Unit provides a range of administrative, financial and technical supports to the Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre (APC), Food for Health Ireland (FHI) and the BioInnovation Centre (BIC). The holder of the Research Support Officer- Technical post will be required to perform duties relating to research project support including the following: Technical assistance to the laboratories supported by the BTU; ordering of chemicals, reagents and other general laboratory consumables & stock taking; Support the purchasing, installation & maintenance of laboratory equipment adhering to UCC’s Procurement policies; Responsible for Health and Safety issues relating to the BTU laboratories including the preparation of annual safety reports, ensuring adequate enrolment to first aid courses by researchers, fire drills, and reporting of laboratory incidents & accidents. In addition the suitable person will be required to undertake Project supervision at undergraduate & taught MSc level. The successful candidate will be required to take up the position as soon as possible after they have been offered the post.
Post Duration: 36 months
Role Summary
This title will apply to a person of appropriate qualifications e.g., BSc, MSc or PhD employed on a contract for the purpose of supporting a research project, programme, centre or institute. A Research Support Officer will work under the direction of one or more Principal Investigator (s)/ Senior Researcher(s) within a dedicated laboratory on one or more research projects.