Following considerable cross-sector consultation, IFST launched its Register of Food Safety Professionals at our Jubilee reception at the House of Lords on 2 July 2014. The production of food and drink that is safe to consume is the number one priority for all those legitimately involved in its production, distribution and preparation. The register will recognise and support those working at all levels within food safety roles throughout the sector. Food safety personnel will be able to gain professional recognition through IFST following a robust and independent accreditation/assessment process – a status which they will be able to retain by proving ongoing Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and by committing to a Code of Professional Conduct.
For food businesses this register will provide professional recognition for those in food safety roles and help ensure individuals maintain and grow their knowledge, skills and experience. This short-hand to prove their independently accredited experience, will provide employers with reassurance when recruiting new food safety personnel as well as providing additional reassurance to retailers, auditors and enforcement officers that their business has suitably qualified and experienced people in these critical roles.
To properly support those on the register we will provide, a range of materials and services to ensure registrants are kept up-to-date with current food safety and food fraud issues. Further support on enforcement issues will be provided through collaboration with the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health.
Ultimately this register will, we believe, help to drive up food safety standards within the sector, so leading to improved food safety and, ultimately consumer confidence.