The importance of the Agri-Food industry to the Northern Ireland economy is recognised in both the Programme for Government 2011-15 and Economic Strategy 2011-15. This is in line with the Government’s aim to rebalance the economy through increasing economic competitiveness and building a larger and more export-driven private sector.
The Ministers of Enterprise, Trade and Investment (DETI) and Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) appointed the industry-led Agri-Food Strategy Board (the Board) to develop a Strategic Action Plan for the industry.
The Board established 10 industry sector groups, each chaired by a Board member, to consider specific opportunities, challenges and priorities for the industry’s key sectors. These groups comprised more than 80 stakeholders from the farming, fishing, food and drink processing sectors and related Government departments/agencies. The Board, in addition, engaged with its wider stakeholder base through a public Call for Evidence. Almost 40 responses were received from a range of interests, including farming, food, forestry, environmental, academic and public body representatives.