2016 has seen major changes to our Knowledge Networks, with the main one being the change from seven different networks and separate facilitators looking at different food safety topics, to one over-arching new Knowledge Network.
The Network is focused on food safety across the food chain, in six different sectors: red meat; poultry and pork; animal feed; sh and shell sh; fresh produce and dairy. This new framework will allow us to focus on the most important food safety challenges, and be exible enough to respond to new issues as they emerge, making sure that our members have the most up-to-date information possible.
To help us achieve our goals, we have assembled a single group of experts from industry, research and public health who will strategically lead the Network, guiding the activities and advising on required training and supports, new services for members and providing insights around both existing food safety risks and emerging issues. We believe the expertise of this group, chaired by Prof. Chris Elliott, will be invaluable to our members and to the strategic direction of the Network. The group has met twice over the last few months, and have had productive discussions around priority food safety issues, innovative solutions to current food safety problems, and insights into the issues that may face us in the future.
We have already begun planning for 12 workshops for small food businesses in 2017, building on the workshop programme with Teagasc and CAFRE this year. During 2017, the Network will continue to keep the members up to date on food safety issues and trends, encouraging shared learnings and discussion of emerging food safety risks and potential solutions. Our members can avail of events, brie ngs, workshops, newsletters and our website (www.safefoodkn.eu), and will have access to new resources, videos and webinars. With the support of the Expert Group, this all-island initiative will help ensure that food industry, regulatory and academic members, have access to the very latest developments in food safety innovation, emerging issues and in the detection and control of hazards in food.
Chairing the group is Prof. Chris Elliott Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Queen’s University Belfast, while other members include Stephane Durand, Agri Food QUEST Manager, Northern Ireland Technology Centre; Micheál Cosgrove, Operations Manager, Glanbia Milk; Michael Bell, Executive Director, NI Food and Drink Association; Jenny Morris, Head TifSiP, Chartered Institute of Environmental Health, London; Dr. Kieran Jordan, Principal Research Of cer, Moorepark, Teagasc; Prof. David McDowell, Emeritus Professor Food Microbiology, Ulster University; Robin Irvine, Chief Executive Northern Ireland Grain Trade Association; and Dr. Declan Bolton, Principal Research Of cer, Ashtown, Teagasc. Also pictured are Dr. Gary Kearney (safefood), Dr. Linda Gordon (safefood), Dr. Sarah Norberg (safefood) and Michael Hills (Queen’s University Belfast).