The safefood Knowledge Networks (KN) are all about connecting food safety professionals and enabling the exchange of Knowledge at all points of the food supply chain. Although it was safefood who initially developed the concept for the KNs several years ago, they have become active communities of members that provide resources and services based on the needs of KN members.
At safefood we are committed to providing the best possible resource so that our members can gain maximum benefit from being part of the Knowledge Networks. We thank all of our members who have supported the initial development of the KNs. We have used your feedback to improve and enhance the Knowledge Networks and will continue to do so.
We are therefore delighted to publically show our commitment to customer service through the development of the safefood Knowledge Network Customer Charter. You will now see the Customer Charter on the homepage and we would welcome dialogue with and feedback form our members to further enhance the value that the Knowledge Networks bring to the food chain.