The Communication "Innovating for Sustainable Growth: A Bioeconomy for Europe", ( published on 13 February 2012 announced the establishment of a European Union Bioeconomy Panel (hereafter, the Bioeconomy Panel). The aim of the Panel is to foster interactions among different policy areas, sectors and stakeholders in the bioeconomy and to facilitate informed discussions on the bioeconomy as a whole – from primary production to consumer markets – taking into account the complex inter-dependencies between the related major societal and economic challenges and the trade-offs they may incur.
For the process of establishing the Bioeconomy Panel, the five European Commission services responsible for the implementation of the Bioeconomy Strategy have already consulted existing advisory groups, bodies and experts’ groups at the end of last year to get some suggestions on potential members of the Bioeconomy Panel.
In order to select in a transparent manner a suitable number of experts - covering the necessary expertise from the various bioeconomy-related areas, according to the selection criteria set by the European Commission and ensuring a required gender and geographical balance - the European Commission has decided to launch a public call for applications. The call is open from 28 January 2013 until 24 February 2013.
Should you be interested in becoming a member, you are invited to submit your online application on the following webpage:
You will find there the details of the Call for Applications, the Terms of Reference of the Bioeconomy Panel, the Privacy Statement, and the link towards the application Form.
In addition, you might wish to forward this invitation to all adequate profiles and networks you find appropriate.
Please note that in order to be considered as candidate for membership of the Bioeconomy Panel, applicants are required to submit an application even if they have already previously sent a CV or an expression of interest to the European Commission.
To avoid misunderstandings, I also would like to draw your attention on the fact that this Call for Applications is different from the Call for Expressions of interest for Experts for Horizon 2020 Advisory Groups, which is also currently open.
Should you face any problem or should you need further information, you can contact