Location: Teagasc, Food Research Programme, Ashtown, Dublin 15.
Teagasc seeks to appoint a Research Officer to develop, lead and implement an internationally recognised research programme in the area of food formulation science and its application for prepared consumer foods. The successful candidate will have responsibility for building a team of postdoctoral researchers and post-graduate students within the food programme focusing on food formulation. Scientific disciplines relevant to the role include food chemistry, rheology, processing and other sciences related to nutrient interaction in prepared foods. Candidates should have an understanding of compositional (protein, fat, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins) and processing (e.g. hydration, thermal, and drying) principles used to support the manufacture and stability of formulated/fortified food systems. Central to the role will be the operation and development of processing parameters at a pilot plant scale for manufacture of prepared foods including understanding the principles of combining different food ingredients to a finished nutritional specification. Securing external collaborative public research funding will be an essential aspect of the role, as will maintaining contact with industry and carrying out commissioned research and development projects.
Closing date: 16 August 2017