safefood invites applications from individuals who wish to nominate themselves to serve as a member of our Advisory Committee, which is appointed by the North South Ministerial Council (NSMC).
We are encouraging applications from a wide variety of disciplines including science, food chain regulation, public health nutrition, education, food related behaviour, food and health communication and community or consumer representatives.
Appointment is for two to three years with a possibility of reappointment. Membership does not attract a salary. However, travel and subsistence expenses will be reimbursed. Members will be selected to represent the widest possible range of disciplines. In case of equal excellence the need to ensure gender and geographical balance shall represent a further criterion.
Please post or email expressions of interest to include a cover letter outlining your experience and area of expertise and a CV to:
Dr Aileen McGloin, safefood, Block B, Abbey Court, Dublin 1
Applications must be received by 5pm on Friday 12 October, 2012.
safefood is committed to equality of opportunity and welcomes applications from suitably qualified candidates irrespective of religious belief, gender, disability, race, political opinion, age, marital status, sexual orientation, members of the travelling community, gender reassignment or family status.