Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences of Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra is establishing a portfolio of new potential partners for our international research activities, mainly within the framework of EFSA call programme. We are contacting you to explore your interest in becoming our partner or in accepting us as partner in any of the following topics within the call reference: GP/EFSA/AFSCO/2016/01:
Lot 1: Methods and systems for the identification of emerging food risks
Lot 2: Integrated methodologies for the risk assessment of mycotoxin mixtures in food and feed
1. Development of new tools for automatic data retrieval and validation from multiple sources for emerging risks identification This would build on experience gained in text mining, webcrawling, media monitoring approaches, but would also include the development of tools for data mining, particularly of “big data”. Proposals should take into consideration work already existing in EU and non-EU organisations which are putting significant resources in developing and validating methods and tools for identifying emerging risks.
2. Integration of data and methodologies from social sciences into the emerging risk identification process on a farm to fork approach Further elaboration of methods developed for expert elicitation into the emerging risks identification process, but also the use of crowd sourcing and social media. EFSA is also interested in aspects concerning the integration of behavioural science into understanding human behaviour as a driver of the emergence of new risks, and economic indicators and methodologies to assess system vulnerabilities.
In case of your interest please contact us:
Adriana Kolesárová, Assoc. Prof. PhD.
Vice-dean for Science and Research
Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
Trieda Andreja Hlinku 2
949 76 Nitra
Slovak Republic, Europe