Food Hypersensitivity

Know your food allergens
This page will help your food business get to grips with food allergens and gluten, with our guides and video tutorials on your legal requirements, what’s safe for coeliacs to eat and how to cook for coeliacs. We also have a range of podcasts and webinars on important food hypersentivity topics.


This page presents a range of resources to those interested in the area of food hypersensitivity.  If you have any suggestions or recommendations which you think may improve the portal or the information available, please let us know.

Food hypersensitivity news

Food hypersensitivity training videos

Webinar's & podcasts

Food hypersensitivity resources

Informative research reports on food hypersensitivity


All content on this website is provided for information exchange and is NOT a substitute for the medical advice from your own doctor or other health care professional. Please always consult your own GP if you're in any way concerned about your health.

safefood are NOT responsible or liable for any diagnosis made by a user based on the content of the website, and are NOT liable for the contents of any external internet links listed.

You are solely responsible for the content that you post on this website, and any material or information that you transmit to other members and for your interactions with other users. Please be reasonable and responsible in your posts to the network.