safefood Knowledge Network 's Posts (950)

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The EFSA process of Environmental Scanning and Strategic Options Definition aims at identifying knowledge gaps and opportunities to fulfil EFSA's mission more efficiently and contribute to the definition of EFSA's work programme and long-term strategy. The identification of trends, drivers of change and emerging risks in the fields within EFSA's mission is one of the objectives of this process.

The Member States and stakeholders in the EFSA knowledge networks for emerging risks, namely the Emerging Risks Exchange Network (EREN) and the Stakeholder Discussion Group on Emerging Risks (StaDG-ER), have identified several emerging chemical issues/risks and analysed them according to the EFSA definition of emerging risks and characterisation criteria.

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Scientists have found an increase in botulism and salmonellosis in Ukraine compared to before the invasion by Russia.

To analyze the war’s effects on infectious disease epidemiology, researchers used open-source data on eight diseases from EPIWATCH, an artificial intelligence early-warning system.

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Tara flour as a cause of illness and the relevance of Bacillus cytotoxicus as a foodborne pathogen are examples of emerging chemical risks discussed recently in Europe.

It is thought that baikiain in tara flour was responsible for around 470 illnesses reported in the U.S. since June 2022. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration declared that tara flour in human food does not meet the Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) standard and is an unapproved food additive.

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The latest report on possible frauds and other non-compliances raised by EU member states features horses, ethylene oxide, and products skipping border controls.

The number of food and other fraud suspicions discussed by European countries declined again in June. The 265 alerts are down from 281 in May, 341 in April, 345 in March, and 318 in February, but are similar to the 277 in January.

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Food Standards Agency and Food Standards Scotland continue to advise consumers not to use plastic containers or utensils containing bamboo and other unauthorised plant-based materials. Businesses are reminded not to sell such products as they are non-compliant with legislation and come with safety concerns.

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The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) today would like to remind consumers of its advice that duck eggs should only be eaten after they have been thoroughly cooked. Consumers should not use raw duck eggs in any dishes that will not be cooked thoroughly before eating. The FSAI, together with the National Health Protection Office of the HSE, are currently investigating an outbreak of illness involving five human cases of Salmonellosis within the last 12 months and linked to the consumption of duck eggs. The investigation is ongoing.

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The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) today states that it has been highlighted at EU level that there have been a low, but persistent, number of foodborne illnesses related to the consumption of raw or uncooked beans. These foodborne illnesses relate to the presence of naturally occurring lectins, which are found in some varieties of fresh and dried beans.

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Scientists have warned that the prevalence of Vibrio in seafood is expected to increase because of climate change.

An assessment by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) anticipated that the occurrence and levels of Vibrio in seafood will rise in response to coastal warming and extreme weather events, like heatwaves.

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Findings from a study have confirmed that beef is an important risk factor for Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) infection in Denmark.

Researchers also presented evidence that a proportion of sporadic STEC infections are determined by age-specific eating habits, environmental exposures, and household structure, rather than being exclusively food-related.

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The report found that in March 2024 when respondents were asked to say how concerned they felt about a list of food-related topics, the issues that were of concern to the highest number of respondents were:

a.    food prices – 87% concerned
b.    ultra-processed, or the over-processing of, food – 77% concerned
c.    food poverty and food inequality – 75% concerned

The proportion of respondents reporting concern about these topics has remained broadly stable since July 2023. 

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The Food Safety Authority Ireland (FSAI) today provides advice for parents, guardians and caregivers to limit young children’s consumption of slush ice drinks that contain glycerol, due to potential side effects including headaches, nausea and vomiting. It advises that children aged four and under should not consume glycerol-containing slush ice drinks and that consumption should be limited to no more than one per day for children aged between five and ten years of age.

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Germany has published data on foodborne outbreaks and infections for 2021, showing more than 130 outbreaks and a rise in most pathogens.

In 2021, 376 potentially food-related outbreaks (excluding norovirus) with 1,263 illnesses were reported to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), down from 423 outbreaks in 2020. The figures come from the Infectious Disease Epidemiology Annual Report, which was released earlier this month.

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The latest report on possible frauds and other non-compliances raised by EU member states features treatment of mineral water, traceability problems, and olive oil issues.

The number of food and other fraud suspicions discussed by European countries declined in May. The 281 alerts are down from 341 in April, 345 in March, and 318 in February but are similar to the 277 in January.

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