An update on Campylobacter

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This webinar was presented by Dr Declan Bolton, Teagasc and Dr Frieda Jorgensen, Public Health England. 

Dr Declan Bolton discussed the issues of Campylobacter in broilers, the risk factors for Campylobacter on broiler farms and control concepts with special focus on improved biosecurity, based on the most up to date studies reported in the scientific literature.


Dr Frieda Jorgensen discussed on Campylobacter being the most common cause of bacterial gastroenteritis in the developed world. In England surveillance in 2020 showed a differential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on laboratory reporting of Campylobacter compared to norovirus in England. The on-going monitoring of Campylobacter levels in retail chicken has suggested a reduced risk from this source but the case rates in England continue to cause concern. This was presented and discussed in the context of recent attribution analysis.

Dr Frieda's presentation can be accessed here

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