Vacancy: Executive Support Officer
Ref: 1496280
Location: Northern Ireland
Job description: The Food Standards Agency in Northern Ireland is responsible for the delivery of the FSA Strategy 2015-20: Food we can trust. The main objective of the Agency in carrying out its functions is to protect public health from risks which may arise in connection with the consumption of food (including risks caused by the way in which it is produced or supplied) and otherwise to protect the interests of consumers in relation to food.
The Executive Support Unit, consisting of five EO’s and two AO’s, provides administrative, policy and secretarial support for the FSA Director in Northern Ireland, the Operational Policy and Delivery Team, the Local Authority Policy and Delivery Team and the Consumer Protection Team in the FSA in NI. The work of the Executive Support Unit includes:
• Email and diary management for the Director.
• Secretariat for internal and external meetings as required including arranging meetings, preparing papers and minute taking.
• Contributing to the effective delivery of the Agency’s response to the handling of specific food, feed and environmental incidents and emergencies.
• Ensure that all correspondence and queries are processed within the required timescales.
• Manage and record information in line with all relevant policies and procedures.
• Build and maintain links and contacts with relevant colleagues across the Agency and externally with stakeholders and other government departments.
• Ensure the introduction of relevant EU and domestic legislation into Northern Ireland law in compliance with NI Assembly procedures and timescales.
Sift will take place week commencing 25 July 2016
Vacancy: Senior Advisor (Standards)
Ref: 1496259
Location: Northern Ireland
Job description: The Food Standards Agency in Northern Ireland is responsible for ensuring food safety and the provision of advice on food safety and diet and nutrition issues to consumers, both directly and via a range of stakeholders. The Local Authority Unit is made up of -two teams: Local Authority Hygiene Policy and Delivery Team and , Food Standards and Dietary Health Team. The responsibilities of the unit include:
• Dietary Health.
• Food Standards, Composition and Labelling.
• Local Authority Hygiene Policy and Delivery.
The post holder will report directly to the Head of Standards and Dietary Health, and will have specific responsibility for work relating to food standards (Composition and Labelling). The post holder will be required to:
• Work to improve the level, quality and co-ordination of sampling activities
• Lead on issues relating to food safety and standards, relating to enforcement, industry and consumers.
• Work effectively with local authorities, other government departments and industry to promote the effective delivery of food safety enforcement in relevant areas. The postholder will therefore be required to establish effective relationships with a wide range of key stakeholders both within the Agency and externally, with enforcement authorities and other Government Departments including FSAI in the Republic of Ireland.
• Work effectively with team members to deliver the work of the Team Business Plan.
• Work with colleagues across the Agency to ensure that guidance, training and advice to key stakeholders is consistent and coordinated.
• Be flexbile to meet business needs, and input into the business planning process and prioritisation and delivery of the work of the Team.
• Demonstrable evidence of an understanding of delivery mechanisms and knowledge of how to deliver policy outcomes on the ground.
• Demonstrable understanding of parliamentary process, public accountability and the roles of ministers and Civil Servants.
• Knowledge of food law and its implementation and the delivery of official controls in Northern Ireland.
Sift will take place on 18 July 2016