Job Specifications are provided for this post outlining the role at Experienced Post-Doctoral Researcher and Post-Doctoral Research Fellow level 1/level 2.
Candidates will be shortlisted for interview by an Expert Board on the basis of the information supplied on their Application Form. In the shortlisting process, the Expert Board will examine the applications received and will assess them against pre-determined criteria based on the requirements of the post. Candidates are therefore advised, in their own best interest, to provide a detailed and accurate account of their qualifications and experience on their Application Form. The essential requirements for the post are outlined in the individual Job Specifications.
Where Teagasc fail to identify a suitably qualified candidate for appointment at Experienced Post-Doctoral Researcher (EPDR) level, applicants for the post may be considered for appointment at Post-Doctoral Research Fellow level 1/level 2 (PD1/2), subject to shortlisting and interview. Job specifications are provided at Experienced Post-Doctoral Researcher level and Post-Doctoral Research Fellow level 1/level 2 for this purpose. Should applicants be offered the opportunity to compete at EPDR level, only those who are deemed to meet the essential requirements for the post at EPDR level will be included in the process.
It important to note that only one appointment will be made to this post with priority being given to appointment at Experienced Post-Doctoral Researcher level, subject to identifying a suitably qualified candidate.