Job Title: Post-Doc position in MS-based metabolomics
Starting from: December 1st 2013
Duration: 24 months contract, full-time position
Place of work: Nantes, France
Project background:
DeTECH21 is an EU FP7 Capacity funded project, aiming at providing new forensic testing services based on metabolomics profiling which will identify the misuse of prohibited and licensed chemicals in bovine and equine animals. The new services which the SME partners will obtain from the project will offer an innovative approach to drug analysis based on the monitoring of biological responses to drug use in animals rather than on the direct detection of compounds which forms the basis of current testing. The administration of both legal and illegal drugs to animals destined for food production and performance sport competition continues to be an enormous challenge. Current testing typically analyses individual samples for a single specific drug and thus is inefficient and costly. These limitations have become evident through sport anti-doping enforcement where similar testing has proved ineffectual with individuals proven to have continually evaded detection despite sustained testing. These challenges have been identified by SME partners as challenges to their long-term business sustainability. DeTECH21 aims to deliver new services to increase SME competiveness, service cost-effectiveness and market reach. This will be achieved through the use of the skills of RTD partners in innovative sample profiling techniques and the skills of SME partners in the commercial provision of analytical services. The uniqueness and innovation of the DeTECH21 project will lie in the construction of metabolomics databases which can be used to identify animals which have been exposed to exogenous substances and assist in the identification of administered compounds. This 2 year project brings into collaboration key partners from across Europe who have come together with the joint objective of delivering what will be the first commercially available forensic test service based on metabolomics analysis applicable to food safety and performance animal applications.
Main purpose of the job/ Specific tasks of the position:
LC-HRMS-metabolomics investigation of biological matrices (urine, plasma, tissues) to highlight biomarkers of anabolic treatments. The successful candidate will have access to state-of-the-art MS equipment (LTQ-Orbitrap, Exactive, Q-Exactive, IMS-Q-TOF) and to a broad range of liquid chromatography in a highly dynamic and motivating environment. The scientist will be also in charge of implementing novel tools for the processing of MS data.
Qualifications and minimum working experiences:
Candidates should have a Ph.D. in biochemistry, chemistry, or a related field, with personal interest in metabolism and previous expertise in MS-based metabolomics. We are especially interested in candidates with prior experience in high-resolution mass spectrometry techniques. The candidate should have written and verbal communication skills, be self-motivated, and demonstrated productivity.
Skills in French language are not a prerequisite. English is mandatory.
Salary range: starting net salary 2000 euros/month
Person to contact for further information:
Gaud Dervilly-Pinel:
Person to contact for information concerning the application process:
Dr Gaud Dervilly-Pinel / Prof Bruno Le Bizec
Please send your application including:
The application should contain the following attachments:
• A motivation letter explaining your interest in this particular position (max. one page)
• A full CV (max. two pages) including contact details of two references,
• Copies of relevant diplomas or university certificates
• Short statement from a former supervisor/tutor
• Contact information for at least two relevant references
Deadline for application: October 31th 2013