Since our last report on the 25th June 2019, there have been new outbreaks of ASF in domestic pigs in Eastern Europe, and further cases in wild boar in both Eastern Europe and Belgium.
The numbers of outbreaks in domestic pigs (backyard and commercial) since January 2019 are summarised in Table 1 for each affected country. Generally, there has continued to be low number of outbreaks reported in domestic pigs since January 2019, though there have been notable increases observed in Romania (205) and Bulgaria (15). Other reports in July to date are restricted to Poland (11), Lithuania (5), Latvia (1), Russia (3) and Ukraine (5). The largest number of outbreaks in domestic pigs each month continues to be in Romania, mainly in backyard pig smallholdings, though since our last report on the 25th of June, there have been an additional 281 outbreaks in small commercial holdings