The goal of the International symposium Dissemination and implementation of the OECD in vitro and in silico methods applicable to the safety and risk assessment of the chemicals, food, and feed is to bring together the international experts from the particular fields and to spread expert information about the alternative methods (in vitro, in silico) to the target scientific community. Symposium will be focused on the Visegrad Group countries (Slovak Republic, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland) and neighbouring countries with Slovakia (Austria and Ukraine).
The symposium will be a two-day event organised in Bratislava with theoretical presentations and practical demonstrations and a Round table discussion about the implementation of OECD methods (in vitro and in silico) in the countries of the Visegrad Group, Austria, and Ukraine. Theoretical lectures of the invited experts will be given by two OECD experts (genotoxicity, developmental toxicity), an ECHA expert (OECD QSAR toolbox), and an expert from EFSA (OpenFoodTox database), and one national representative (implementation of the alternative methods and 3Rs in Slovakia - SNP3Rs platform).