he 10th BfR-Summer Academy 2022 will be held online. The participation is free of charge.
Due to the pandemic situation, this year‘s 10th BfR-Summer Academy will be a digital event. It will take place from 5 – 16 September 2022. Considering the internationality and the different time zones in which the participants are located, the BfR-Summer Academy will be divided into the following parts:
- September 5 to 9; 10:30 – 13:30 UTC, lecture series for all time zones
- September 12 to 15; 07:00 – 11:00 UTC, workshops for Eastern time zones (limited number of participants)
- September 13 to 16; 12:00 – 16:00 UTC, workshops for Western time zones (limited number of participants)
The workshops for Eastern and Western time zones are the same! Only a limited number of participants can take part in the interactive workshops.
Are you interested in participating? Then please submit your application via the online form of the BfR Academy by 7 August 2022: