The FSAI, in conjunction with safefood and the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) are hosting a one-day workshop on shelf-life studies on 10 November in the DAFM Backweston Laboratory Complex, Co. Kildare.
The workshop will have a very practical focus and cover topics such as; what regulators expect from food business operators in terms of shelf-life studies; what legal criteria must be met throughout a food product’s shelf-life; and what options are available to help estimate, set and verify the shelf-life of food. The planning, design and interpretation of two types of laboratory testing methods (i.e. durability studies and challenge testing) which can be used in determining shelf-life will be discussed, in addition to using predictive microbiological models.
There will be a particular emphasis on how to perform and interpret shelf-life studies in ready-to-eat foods that are able to support the growth of Listeria monocytogenes and that may pose a L. monocytogenes risk for public health. The sessions on durability studies and challenge testing will be presented by a laboratory expert that routinely plans, designs and performs these studies and interprets the results. The talks will be given with a hands-on approach in mind and will discuss the advantages and common pitfalls faced when setting and validating the shelf-life of food.
The workshop will have an open-floor Q&A session to allow the participants to discuss their own unique challenges regarding shelf-life studies. The workshop is free to attend and open to staff of public and private laboratories, food business operators and regulatory staff. For more information and to register please visit
Hi Martina, We are expecting the event to be up on the FSAI website and open for registration by COB today.
When do you anticipate this event be open for registration
Many thanks I will register when the event is open for registration.
Please note, while the event is not yet open for registration, if you would like to sign-up for event alerts on you will be notified when this event is open for registration.
There is no way to register on the FSAI website - the link takes you to a page where this event is not listed yet.
Hi there, the link above to register does not appear to be working. Is there another way to register?