About the workshop
The workshop chaired by Professor Peter Gregory, ACNFP Chair aims to give the public and others an opportunity to discuss with Committee members, subjects that fall directly within the Committee’s remit.
The workshop which will be held between 10.00am to 3.00pm on Thursday 22 February will include discussions in smaller breakout groups on various aspects of assessing novel foods under the new Novel Food Regulations (EU) 2105/2283.
The agenda for the event will include:
- Introduction on the work of the Committee.
- Presentation on Novel Food Regulation (EU) 2015/2283.
- An open discussion with tabled audience questions. Priority will be given to questions submitted in advance of the event.
- Breakout session: discussions on novel food issues of interest. Four issues will be discussed in small groups:
- Traditional food from third countries including data required for risk assessments and emerging new foods which may need to be assessed.
- Insects – assessing risks when consumed as food, including microbiology issues.
- Fermented products – the focus of the discussions will be on Bioreactor derived products including future trends in the area and applying post genomic technology to the risk assessment of low-tech products.
- Novel foods in functional foods and food supplements.