Guest of Honour: Senior speaker confirmed from Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
In the context of Brexit, this timely seminar will bring together policymakers and key stakeholders to discuss the future agriculture policy in the UK and priorities for moving forwards from the Common Agricultural Policy.
Planned sessions look at priorities for the UK Government in developing new international trade agreements; what next for UK farming subsidies - in light of the Chancellor’s announcement that CAP Pillar 1 funding will be guaranteed until 2020; the future farming policy landscape, including meeting challenges for food sustainability and mapping the timeline for creating a reformed system of agricultural subsidy to support UK farmers.
Further discussion will also consider best practice to improve the efficiency and growth of UK agriculture production, and next steps for supporting the rural economy.
We are delighted to be able to include in this seminar a keynote address from: a senior representative from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; Guy Smith, Vice President, NFU andLucy Smith, Head of CAP Reform and Crop Policy, The Scottish Government.
Further confirmed speakers include: Patrick Begg, Rural Enterprises Director, National Trust; John Elliott, Head of Economic and Policy Evaluation, ADAS; Dr Nerys Llewelyn Jones, Head, Agri Advisor Solicitors; Christopher Price, Director of Policy and Advice, Country Land and Business Association and Mark Suthern, National Head of Agriculture, Barclays Bank.