The FSA’s Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes (ACNFP) is holding an open workshop on novel foods in London on Wednesday 20 November 2013, 1pm - 4.30pm. Everyone is welcome to attend, including members of the public. The closing date for applying to attend is Friday 1 November.
The workshop will be chaired by ACNFP Chair Professor Peter Gregory and held at Aviation House, 125 Kingsway, London. The aim of the workshop is to give the public, and others, an opportunity to discuss with the committee those subjects that fall directly within the committee’s remit.
Workshop structure
The workshop will be structured as follows:
1. Introduction
This will include presentations on the work of the committee.
2. Discussions on novel food issues of interest to the consumer
These issues will be discussed:
evaluating traditional foods from other parts of the world
assessing the additive effects of novel ingredients in food
The group discussions will be limited to the subjects listed above. There will be an opportunity to ask questions on other topics in the open discussion at the end of the meeting.
3. An open discussion with tabled audience questions
Participants are invited to raise any issues related to the assessment of novel or GM food. This could include the scientific rationale used in the safety assessment and whether the procedures are sufficiently open for the UK public to make their views known. Priority will be given to questions submitted in advance of the workshop.
Minutes will be produced for this workshop and any relevant questions that cannot be taken will be answered and included as an annex to the minutes.
How to apply to attend
If you would like to attend this workshop, please email or contact Alison Asquith by Friday 1 November at:
ACNFP Secretariat
2A Aviation House
125 Kingsway
LondonWC2B 6NH
tel: 020 7276 8595