• Sep 5, 2017 from 2:30pm to 7:00pm
  • Location: University College Cork
  • Latest Activity: Jan 14, 2020

The Cork Centre for Vitamin D and Nutrition Research, University College Cork, is pleased to announce an upcoming Workshop on “Novel Food-Based Approaches for Prevention of Vitamin D Deficiency”, which will take place in Ireland on 05 September 2017.  This Workshop is being held as part of the International scientific conference ‘Vitamin D & Health in Europe: current and future perspectives’ which aims to update participants with current vitamin D research in Europe.

This half-day Workshop will provide participants with the evidence-base behind and knowledge of the science and technology of vitamin D food fortification and bio-fortification.  

Who should attend?

•    Food producers
•    Quality assurance personnel
•    Health professionals
•    R&D personnel
•    Food retailers
•    Food and nutrition regulators
•    Entrepreneurs

Workshop programme
The half-day Workshop is embedded within the Cork Centre for Vitamin D and Nutrition Research hosted 2-day conference on Vitamin D & Health in Europe.  It will begin at 13.30 on Tuesday the 05 September 2017 and will be held in G05 in the Western Gateway Building, University College Cork.  There will be a mid-afternoon coffee break.

Plenary session (13.30-15.15):
Chaired by Professor Susan Whiting (University of Saskatchewan, Canada) and Dr Jette Jakobsen (Danish Technical University, Denmark)

Plenary talk:  The case for vitamin D food fortification as an approach to tackle low vitamin D intakes, including regulatory aspects.  [Dr. Mona Calvo, USA]

Plenary talk: 
Vitamin D food fortification: the Finnish experience as an exemplar for Europe.  [Professor Christel Lamberg-Allardt, University of Helsinki, Finland]

Plenary talk:  An overview of the evidence from food-based dietary intervention studies, including data from the ODIN food RCT in vulnerable adults.  [Dr Rikke Andersen & Ida Marie Grønborg, Danish Technical University, Denmark]

Coffee break (15.15-15.40)

Series of short presentations (15.40-17.30);
Chaired by Professor Manfred Eggersdorfer (DSM Nutritional Products) and Dr Pamela Byrne (Food Safety Authority of Ireland)

If you wish to register for the Workshop, please visit the conference website www.vitamindconference.eu and click ‘Register Now’. 
Registration for the wider 2-day conference is also still possible, if of interest.

Please feel free to forward this information to parties that may have an interest.

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