The seminar is aimed at the food industry in Northern Ireland and will introduce the new food labelling rules set out in the Food Information for Consumers Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011, which impose new food labelling requirements that food businesses will need to take into account.
This programme has been especially designed to provide an in-depth look at these legislative changes in food labelling and will address issues relating to nutritional and health claims. Consequently, it will be of particular value to those who compile food labels and also staff who are responsible for product promotion in terms of nutritional and health claims. Delegates from the food manufacturing, retailing and the catering sectors will also benefit from attending.
The seminar is being held in the Food Technology Centre, Loughry Campus on Friday 24 January 2014.
As places are limited, booking is essential. If you would like further information or to book your place, please contact Christine Haydock on 02886768143 or email: