National Zoonoses Conference Zoonoses: Advancing Collaboration and Control
- surveillance informing action
- managing risk
- tackling pathogen challenges
Wed 8th & Thurs 9th June 2011
O’Reilly Hall, University College Dublin
UCD School of Public Health, Physiotherapy & Population Science
Who should attend?
Will be of interest to a range of professional groups including medical and veterinary public health professionals, environmental health officers, microbiologists, researchers, surveillance scientists, epidemiologists, food industry stakeholders, risk managers and local authority engineers, in addition to Government Departments and National Agencies (related to Health, Agriculture, Food, the Environment, Sea Fisheries) and those linked to the broader Food Industry.
For further information, please contact:
Ruth Henry, Veterinary Sciences Centre, UCD, Belfield, Dublin 4 | e-mail: |Tel: +353 (0) 17166221 | Fax: + 353 (0) 17166237