The seventh in a series of plenary meetings of the Global Microbial Identifier initiative is organised by The Food and Environment Research Agency (Fera), UK, on behalf of the Food Standards Agency (FSA), UK.
The two-day event will include continuing business of the five GMI working groups, presentations by international experts, posters and an exhibition, and aims to examine the state-of-the art of next-generation genomics, data storage, ring trials, pilot projects and associated political challenges; review GMI objectives and strategy, catalyse integration across international borders and harmonise the amalgamation of scientific efforts of academia, government and industry.
The meeting provides a unique opportunity to join the GMI initiative and drive its strategy to develop a global system of DNA genome databases for microbial and infectious disease identification and diagnostics. The meeting will benefit those tackling individual problems at the frontline (clinicians, food microbiologists, veterinarians, etc.) as well as other stakeholders, i.e. policy-makers, regulators, industry, etc. International participants from academia, government and industry will have ample opportunities to network with exhibitors and sponsors throughout the meeting.