This seminar will be an opportunity to discuss current global priorities for food security and the challenges facing the UK in improving food security.
Delegates will also assess the specific challenges facing UK food security, and recommendations to be released in the EFRA Committee’s upcoming third report.
Further areas for discussion include improving the development and implementation of the UK Agricultural Technologies Strategy, the impact of the Met Office’s new long range forecasting service for the food sector, and emerging options for improving the sustainability of UK farming.
Speakers include Lindsay Harris, Deputy Director, Food Security & Food Standards, Food Policy Unit, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; Gregory Barrow, Director, UN World Food Programme; Dr Yuelai Lu, Head, Secretariat of UK-China Sustainable Agriculture Innovation Network and Research Fellow, University of East Anglia and Jean-Pierre Halkin, Head of Unit, Rural Development, Food and Nutrition Security, European Commission - as well as Kirsty Lewis, Applied Climate Science Team Leader, Met Office; Dr Yuelai Lu, Head, Secretariat of UK-China Sustainable Agriculture Innovation Network and Research Fellow, University of East Anglia; Peter Melchett, Policy Director, The Soil Association; Dr Philip Newton, Director of Science, Food and Environment Research Agency and Nick von Westenholz, Chief Executive, Crop Protection Agency.
The agenda will also examine current challenges facing food security globally including the issues surrounding population growth and the threat of climate change to agricultural production outlined in the UNFAO 2014 report into food security. It will also look at the role of international collaboration in promoting food security, EU agricultural priorities under the new Commission, and wider challenges beyond the EU including issues of food poverty and water security.
For a detailed agenda click here.
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