The Scientific Organising Committee (SOC) in collaboration with the International Committee on Food Microbiology & Hygiene (ICFMH), wish to take this opportunity to invite you to FoodMicro 2016, which will take place at University College Dublin, Ireland from 19th - 22nd July, 2016.

Our conference theme is – One health meets food microbiology.  This reflects the broad nature of the scientific programme which will include topics such as the microbiology associated with food-producing animals; antimicrobial resistance; risk analysis; systems-based approaches to food microbiology; food-borne virology; food spoilage; biotechnology and the human microbiome.

This meeting will bring together those stakeholders with an interest in one health and its relationship to food microbiology. Our meeting will be of interest to Food Microbiologists; Food Regulators; Food Scientists; Veterinary Public Health Professionals; Epidemiologists with an interest in food safety; and others. 

In the relaxed and engaging atmosphere around the meeting, we hope to foster a sharing of knowledge whilst at the same time renewing old friendships and making new ones. The SOC wishes to particularly encourage young scientists with an interest in this area and provisions have been made in the registration process to facilitate this. 

For any enquiries please contact the Conference Secretariat, MCI, at

Further information.

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