In the wake of a series of high profile food scares, a whole new set of food safety legislation and infrastructure has been put into place, with the aim of restoring confidence in the food supply chain ‘from farm to fork’. Lexxion is thus organizing this intensive half-day seminar, with the purpose to familiarize you with the current regulatory framework and to spread knowledge and best practices in order to increase the level of expertise with regard to food controls issues.
Experts from the European institutions (Carmen Garau from DG SANCO, European Commission), research, and private legal practice (among others Gilles Boin from Product Law Firm) will touch upon topics, such as:
- Legislative Framework: State of the Play and Future Trends from the Commission
- Implementation and Organization of Controls at National Level
- How to Be Prepared: The Importance of Technical Expertise when Dealing with Controls in the Food Industry
- How to Be Ready to Face a Control? Recommendations and Checklist