The Collab4Safety team invites you to take part in the workshop being organized in the framework of the European Commission events of the Milan EXPO2015.
The European Union (EU) FP7 project Collab4Safety aims to optimise the integration of research and training in food safety between the EU and its trading partners, in order to facilitate the control and mitigation of existing and emerging food risks, and to provide a sustainable platform for global integration of food safety policies.
The objectives of the workshop are to:
1. Present the results of a global Delphi study conducted by Collab4Safety on research required for policy development and emerging policy needs policy regarding emerging food risks;
2. Consider the role of expert uncertainty regarding evidence used in the policy process;
3. Discuss strategies for integrating the biological and social science evidence associated with emerging food risks.
14.00-14.30 Introduction and scope - Hans Marvin
14.30-15.00 Results of the Collab4Safety Delphi - Lynn Frewer
15.00-15.30 Globalisation and its impact on emerging risks -Tobin Robinson (EFSA)
15.30-16.00 Achieving global food safety and food security: the importance of strategic international and inter-sectorial collaboration - Masami Takeuchi (FAO)
16.00-16.30 Coffee break
16.30-17.30 General discussion to discuss emerging research and policy needs associated with emerging food safety risks. Moderated by UNEV
17.30-18.30 - Cocktail
To register, please contact and before the 20th March 2015 for a registration form. In the case of over subscription, attendance will be confirmed on a first come basis.
The organisation team will send you the confirmation, an entry ticket, and all practical details.