This two-week Summer Academy from experts to experts will focus on food safety and appropriate risk assessment.
The BfR-Summer Academy will be open to participants from institutes engaged in risk assessment of food.
Its learning objectives are that participants…
▶ will be made familiar with the concept of food safety with a focus on Germany and Europe and particularly in regard to risk assessment and risk communication
▶ gain a sound understanding of hazard and exposure assessment within the risk assessment process, and understand the requirements for data generation and data collection
▶ gain practical experience in conducting risk assessment
and risk communication,
▶ are capable of interpreting results of exposure calculation, including the assessment of data quality and uncertainty.
Theoretical background as well as hands-on exercises where it is possible will be given to train participants on risk assessment and risk communication
in food safety. In the workshops, the participants will focus on food hygiene, contaminants, and chemical risk assessments.