Mode of action in cumulative risk assessment
- International developments in combined exposures and mode of action
- Implementation of cumulative risk assessment at EU level
- Relevance of dissimilar mode of action
- Combined exposures of multiple pesticides and contaminants
Models and methods in risk assessment of pesticides
- Overview of the U.S. EPA’s Office Pesticide Programs Dietary Exposure Models and Tools
- ACROPOLIS final results and follow-up
- Uncertainty in exposure and risk assessment
- Stereoisomers – How to solve the problem of mirror images?
- Application of the TTC concept in Europe
New data requirements
- OECD Guidance Document on crop field trials
- New data requirements regarding proportionality
Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs)
- Recent and future developments in EU legislation
- JMPR principles of MRL setting
- Modernisation of the registration system in Japan