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  • Hody Ambrose,

    Yea back in Cork and not Kerry but closer to home. Who let me into cork!! Are my contagious!!! I work in research for LeoPharma but still keep involved with the phycotoxin research, trying to finish off  three publications by night on some very interesting work we did at the MI. We should go for a drink some night; I will leave it to you to contact me as you seem to have a busy schedule.


    Take care and talk soon,


    Hody Ambrose,

    Yea back in Cork and not Kerry but closer to home. Who let me into cork!! Are my contagious!!! I work in research for LeoPharma but still keep involved with the phycotoxin research, trying to finish off  three publications by night on some very interesting work we did at the MI. We should go for a drink some night; I will leave it to you to contact me as you seem to have a busy schedule.


    Take care and talk soon,


    Hody Ambrose,

    Yea back in Cork and not Kerry but closer to home. Who let me into cork!! Are my contagious!!! I work in research for LeoPharma but still keep involved with the phycotoxin research, trying to finish off  three publications by night on some very interesting work we did at the MI. We should go for a drink some night; I will leave it to you to contact me as you seem to have a busy schedule.


    Take care and talk soon,


    Hody Ambrose,

    Yea back in Cork and not Kerry but closer to home. Who let me into cork!! Are my contagious!!! I work in research for LeoPharma but still keep involved with the phycotoxin research, trying to finish off  three publications by night on some very interesting work we did at the MI. We should go for a drink some night; I will leave it to you to contact me as you seem to have a busy schedule.


    Take care and talk soon,


  • Hows Ambrose,

    Well Ambrose I am back in Cork and wondering if you would like to go for a pint some evening? Sure let me know if you would like to meet up.

    All the best,


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