As announced at the recent 29th Focal Point meeting last year, EFSA has launched the EU-FORA fellowship programme on its web site with a dedicated EU-FORA webpage. This webpage includes as well the publication of two calls for expressions of interest
opportunities (96)
Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs Minister Michelle McIlveen has announced that the Northern Ireland Regional Food Programme (NIRFP) is to open for applications this week (16 January 2017).
The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed, TD, has announced awards of over €28 million for collaborative inter-institutional research projects under the Department’s competitive research funding programmes.
Announcing the awar
The Food Standards Agency Chair Heather Hancock is inviting applications to fill the post of Chair of the Advisory Committee on the Microbiological Safety of Food (ACMSF). This post will become vacant on 31 March 2017. The ACMSF is the independent ex
The Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meeting on Microbiological Risk Assessment (JEMRA) began in 2000 and is an international scientific expert group that is administered jointly
EFSA’s EU-FORA fellowship programme offers a unique opportunity to motivated early to mid-career scientists from EU national risk assessment authorities and any other Article 36 organisation to increase their knowledge and experience in food safety r
The Chair of the Food Standards Agency and its Chief Scientific Adviser are welcoming applications to join the new independent FSA Science Council. We are looking for passionate, highly capable and motivated people to be Chair and members of our new
The contract for the supply of contract Official Veterinarians and contract Meat Hygiene Inspectors in England and Wales to work in meat establishments, working closely with FSA staff, is open for tender. The current five contracts expire 31 March 20
Development, organization and delivery of training activities under the EFSA European food risk assessment fellowship programme (OC/EFSA/AFSCO/2016/02)”.
The tender documentation can be accessed in the document library via this e-Tendering link.
Any up
College Food, Farming and Forestry (F3) is a new platform at University of Lisbon, implemented by its Rector in 2015, to enable transversal initiatives
College F3 gathers more than 250 members from twelve University of Lisbon Faculties and Institutes
Early life nutritional impacts on the rumen microbiome and relationships with production and quality traits in ruminants
Project aim: Impact of early life nutrition on the rumen microbiome and implications for animal health and productivity
Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences of Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra is establishing a portfolio of new potential partners for our international research activities, mainly within the framework of EFSA call programme. We are conta
The Chair of the Food Standards Agency and the Chief Medical Officers of the Department of Health and the devolved administrations invite applications for specialist and non-specialist members of the COT which will become vacant on 31 March 2017.
Budget: € 30 000
Approx. launch date: July, 2016
The objective of this call for tender is to keep EFSA informed of any information on the effects linked with microbiota and emulsifiers through a constant monitoring of the scientific literature on th
The Advisory Committee on Animal Feedingstuffs (ACAF) is seeking a new committee member. ACAF advises the Food Standards Agency on the safety and use of animal feeds and feeding practices, with particular emphasis on protecting human health.
The Higher Diploma in Food Science and Technology will provide you with an excellent education in various aspects of food science, food technology and food microbiology.
Subjects that you will cover during the course include:
- food proteins
- food fats
- foo
EFSA has launched a call for trainees: EFSA offers paid internships of one-year duration, providing young graduates the opportunity to get first-hand experience in a scientific EU Agency. Under the supervision of a Traineeship Adviser within
EFSA has launched its second thematic grant call for proposals on methodology development in risk assessment. The thematic grant scheme aims to facilitate scientific cooperation in the EU, boost innovation and support the exchange of expertise and be